Friday, October 3, 2008

We're Back!

So the computer has been built and in use for about 13 months now... Wish I would have blogged about the problems I had with NCIX (Canadian Retailer) getting my Q6600 Processor to me at the time it was happening, but it's probably best I don't rehash those memories.  I'm all up an running now!  Maybe I'll post pics of the rig later on... no promises.  Anywho, I've decided that 'The Alpha Project [Beta]' would become a place for my tech babblings.  And on that note, heeeere we goooo:

So today I was on call, and the Director of Residence got our hall a new on-call cell phone to replace our prior one (a Samsung SCH-u340 that was notorious for not ringing when called) with a Motorola W385 on the US Cellular nework.  Once it was placed into my hands I knew I had to put ringtones on it.  I quickly learned that Motorola phones are not as quick as LG phones to put ringers on.  After trying bitpim and being hit with a "Access to the file/directory has been blocked on this phone by the phone provider" error from every angle, I hit up the web to assist me.  I eventually found via howardforums that most people had the best luck with this phone with p2k commander.  I downloaded the latest version (V5.0.6) and had problems.  I eventually downloaded the latest release of the 4 series (V4.9.E) and had success accessing the W385's file system when running the Motorola Software Update at the same time in the background.  After dumping my 30 second clipped mp3 files into the  /motorola/shared/audio folder, I deleted the root files of MyTone.db and TmpTneDb.db and rebooted the phone with the battery out.  30 seconds later our on-call phone was rocking some new ringers.